TED Talks have become pretty world renowned within the past few years. Masterminds of every topic and subject have been featured on TED speaking about their profession or field of study. Perhaps it’s because of years of practice or schooling, but these individuals seem to have public speaking down! This book looks as if it is similar to a how-to guide on public speaking, using the great minds of the speakers from TED as a backdrop. The table of contents starts with chapters titled about how valuable one’s own ideas are and progresses on how to master public speaking so that you too can someday present a TED Talk.
I think that this book will be valuable to my interest in studying Ag Communications, as I will need to network and talk to people on a everyday basis. I already do that, but reading this book could help me improve my speaking skills in an advanced and professional setting, like the TED talks. I am excited to read this book so I may improve my skills and learn more about how one’s voice can make an impression on a lot of people
Gallo, Carmine. Talk like TED: The 9 Public Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Minds. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
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