In this song from High School Musical 2, the Wildcat team isn't happy with the way their summer is going due to their summer jobs. Troy and Gabriella insist that it isn't as bad as it seems and they all need to keep working and stay positive and it will all work out in the end. They're all in it together and as long as they all try to have fun the summer jobs they have will pay off. Their reason to work is to have fun with all of their friends while earning some cash. This is can be understood by watching how the cast dances and plays in the kitchen they work in. They are clearly trying to enjoy themselves and stay positive. In the beginning of the video, Chad and Troy argue about how the summer has been so far and Troy, being the protagonist says, "come on, we can totally turn this around!" This positive attitude--and the cool segment when he plays the drums on the hanging pots--will definitely win the rest of the group over and help turn their summer around. Their reason to work isn't very common since that big of a group of friends isn't likely to have the same job interests or all get hired at the same time. Although, it is nice to have fun at work with the friends one makes through getting a job. Work is too often referred to as "hard" and "time-consuming", both are true, but are sometimes needed and aren't always a bad thing, especially for teens.
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